Friday, February 26, 2010

The first song I recorded vocals on...

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If the battle wasn’t won

I lie in bed drifting off to sleep,
Listening to the wave’s crash upon the beach.
I am but a drop of water in
the endless oceans of humanity.

I’m just one person, what difference can I make…
Am I merely dreaming, or am I awake…
How can I give back, for all that I take…
Will anyone cry for our sake…

I stand on a shore carved out by the tide.
The sky falls dark, the water turns to ice.
I am but a grain of sand on
the endless beaches of time.

I’m just one person, what difference can I make…
Am I merely dreaming, or am I awake…
Would I make changes to anything I’ve done…
Or would I just give up, if the battle wasn’t won…

If the battle wasn’t won…
If the battle wasn’t won…
If the battle wasn’t won…
If the battle wasn’t won…

We're all just people, yet we can change the world.
I won’t just give up before my wings unfurl.
I’m not just dreaming and these are not facades.
I’ll never give in; I will fight against the odds.

And if the battle is lost, than it was worth the fight.
It is better to die with answers than live with questions

I will fight against the odds.
I will fight against the odds.
I will fight against the odds.
I will fight against the odds.

1 comment:

  1. do you have any idea how long i've been trying to figure these lyrics out?
    it's a beautiful song, man.
