Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Two thoughts...

That just occurred to me...

1] The idea of someone with an "old soul" does not always have to mean an especially enlightened person nor does it merit the thought that, an "old soul" is that much further along in its spiritual evolution or quest of trudging through tediousness lifetime-after-lifetime in order to work their way up some kind of karmic-reincarnation-ladder. It could actually mean that the old soul is repeating the same sick sad mistakes over and over again. Never getting life right. Never moving up to a higher plane of reality / existence / consciousness. It could mean that the poor old soul has lived a thousand identical lives, repeating over and over again, like Bill Murray from groundhogs day, the same sorry fate forever. How sad that must be...

2] Idea for a sweet-ass, hollywood action movie:
Jesus is Coming: Say Your Prayers...
Plot Synopsis: Jesus kills everyone in a sexy way using guns and miracles. Featuring biblical dialogue, gratuitous sex scenes, and ultimate crucifixion violence...

And further more... It's late and I'm wretched, so what did you expect?
severely yours,
Hampster Wadsworth Jenkins Reginald, Esquire.

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