Thursday, May 26, 2011

Another year I claim....

Hello, and thanking you kindly, for to be celebrating, of whence, laborious birthing, 25 years Anniversary, my mother celebrating, yes?        I guess its technically the 26th already, but whatever...
Well... As part of my birthday celebrating, how could I not bother to share some of the joy with one of my closest old friend and associate, blog...   hahaha! I haven't much cared for birthdays for the last, I don't know, five or six years....   Who wants to be reminded of their mortality? That their an aging waste of life? [Seriously people, what the hell are we all doing on a day to day basis? Is there some bigger picture I'm missing out on?] As such, I took the opportunity to celebrate today in my own small ways... Barricaded drunkenly in my apartment, doing weirdsies, beardo type stuffs...  This self indulgent blog and all the stupid shit I put on here, well.... This is just another part of my birthday present to myself, hahaha...  I mean...  i just have to maintain this blog, I'm compelled to do so by forces beyond my control...  I don't know why, it just helps keep me sane...   I always feel weird and ashamed about it... Like the way I feel when I use social networking website stuff...  Why? whats the purpose? Validating my existence? Shouldn't I be content with just making stuff and learning things? Must I always put so much of that crap on my blog? Who am I trying to impress or prove anything to?  
And  --'whoa man', says I.... It's my birthday, so fuck it, I needn't be bothered with these petty turdlings of concerns.... I do what I wants, I'm Drake motherfuckin' Arnold... and plus, I'm drunk and its late at night, so thats when all the weird shit goes down anyways!       My birthday present to myself, if anything, would be to give even less of a fuck what anyone else thinks of this shit!  hahaha right, so without further adieu, here's some of my birthday that I'll share with you's guys....

In case the embed tag isn't working above, here's a direct link: Drunken BirthDay HoDown.... Either way, you'll probably need some sort of a quicktime plugin...

The songs I played were:
'Happy Birthday to Me'       by Bright Eyes
'If the Battle Wasn't Won'
'Daily Programming'
'Black Omen'
'Licked Clean Blues'
'Fan Fiction'

If I have more to say about that video, I'll put it here some other time
'Place Holder Text'

And finally, Here's a picture I doodled today....

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