Sunday, September 18, 2011

Old Ass Guitar Video

Hahahaha, I just found this on my external hard drive and had a massive laugh about it. I had totally forgotten this video even existed.  Anyway, here is me (in all my old dreadlocked glory) doing really awful cover songs, in various locations around my parents old farm. Damn I miss the farm sometimes! This is just so wonderfully nostalgic for me. Those days are gone forever....  Oh well, at least now I can sing a lot better these days, lol.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September (What's Crappenin')

*****  I've been redesigning my website and it's almost finished, so check it;    Drake Arnold . com

*****  I've been working on producing endless amounts of paintings, for what I am calling my "Painting Factory".  It is my intention to give all these painting away for free to random strangers I meet. I am kick starting this effort by bringing hopefully about three hundred paintings with me to the BlackWater Music Festival to pass out. Hope to see you there!    =)

*****  Here is a video my friend Laura made recently, featuring one of my songs,  Aphrodite;

*****  Here is some of the Frank music, courteously uploaded to Youtube by my friend Katie;

"Number Two"

"Drakes' Gay"
"The Ballad of Ravis"